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Black Glass Cream Bottle

  • Wednesday, 04 December 2024
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Black Glass Cream Bottle

Black glass cream bottles are becoming increasingly popular for specialty products such as glass cream bottle The unique glass color offers a premium design cue, adds value to the packaging, and protects the product from the effects of visible light. Besides, the sturdy glass provides ultimate light and UV protection to preserve and extend the shelf life of the contents inside. The high-quality bottle is also hygienic and non-reactive, making it an ideal choice for skincare products like serums.

Black Glass Cream Bottle

While the term “black glass” is often used to refer to a particular style of pressed bottle made in the last quarter of the 19th century, collectors use it more broadly to describe any black-colored glass cream bottle This includes blown black glass jars and bottles and pressed black glass novelties and tableware. During this period, English manufactures such as Sowerby and Company produced many pressed black glass items, including very dark-colored "Onion" types that were much thicker and heavier than their Dutch counterparts. This darker coloration was the result of more iron oxide in the raw glass mix.

In addition, the color was produced by the inclusion of sand, soda, and limestone that had been ground finely. The resulting silica solution was then heated to high temperatures and combined with other ingredients such as iron, copper, cobalt oxide, and aluminum hydroxide. This process resulted in a very rich, black glass that was very durable and highly opaque.

Interestingly, this black glass is not quite as dark as some older gin bottles that were shattered during distillation and the resulting bottle shards were so thick that they resembled a deep olive green. These thicker shards hid the sediment on the bottom of the bottles and prevented sunlight from 'turning' the contents rancid.

Antique black glass bottle examples are highly prized by collectors today and can command very high prices at auction or in a retail store. In November of 2019, a Sherry bottle with a 1791 I Sloggett embossed seal sold for $1,222 and an empty black glass H Gooch sealed bottle commanded $389. Bottle specialists are always happy to share their knowledge of bottle genres, lips, and mold marks in person or on the internet.

To date this bottle the user would start with the introductory section of Machine-made Bottles and follow the directed sequence of questions on that page. Question #12 deals with cork versus screw top closures; this bottle has neither a cap nor a stopper and therefore classifies as Option C (Other Closure/Finish Type). The user would then move to Question #3 which differentiates unembossed, seam-free bottles into several categories. Because this bottle is not cylindrical, it would be classified as a free-blown bottle and it does have an open pontil scar on the base which indicates that it was made before 1860. Using the information on the Bottle Dating page, this bottle could be placed in the range of 1800 to 1860 with a strong likelihood that it was made much earlier than this.

Black Glass Cream Bottle

Tags:round bottom matte cream bottle | cosmetics glass bottle | empty bottle

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